
Children can have difficulty acquiring language when they are very young. It can be manifested by difficulty learning first words, acquiring new vocabulary, combining words into sentences or following directions. Sometimes a language disorder is not detected until children are in elementary school. Language disorders may have no known cause or may be due to a hearing loss, developmental delays, autism, trauma, a genetic syndrome or associated with a learning disability.
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Areas of Difficulty

  • word retrieval
  • vocabulary
  • grammar
  • syntax
  • auditory comprehension
  • information processing
  • sentence formulation
  • reasoning
  • use of idioms
  • use of proverbs
  • use of nonliteral language
  • sequencing
  • predicting
  • following directions


A thorough evaluation is essential to know whether it is impacting expression or rcomprehension, what specific areas of language are impacted, and if there is a gap between different areas. An evaluation will involve informal language samples and formal testing when possible. The Clinical Evaluation of Language Function-5 (CELF-5), the Test of Narrative Language (TNL), the CELF Test of Metalinguistics, the CELF Preschool-2, the WORD Test are examples of formal testing for children and teens. For adults the Boston Diagnostic Test of Aphasia (BDAE), the Ross Inventory, the Boston Naming Test are often administered.

Deficiencies in language

Deficiencies in language will have a profound impact on academic, social and emotional development. Five percent of preschool children exhibit a significant limitation in language ability not attributable to deficiencies in hearing, intelligence, or neurological structure. They are hampered in conveying and receiving information. Children with impaired language abilities have difficulty in fulfilling their potential unless efforts are made to maximize their language skills.

Aphasia in Adults

Adults can acquire language difficulties, known as aphasia, following brain damage from a neurological event, often from a stroke or head injury. Specific symptoms vary but may include challenges with expressive language (e.g. word retrieval, sentence formulation, syntax), receptive language (e.g. yes/no, following commands, reading, writing, paragraph comprehension), and/or nonverbal communication. Aphasia can lead to social isolation and depression, and may significantly impact employment, personal safety and level of independence.

Therapy in language Treatment

At Speech Matters, language treatment improves functional communication skills for both children and adults. Quality of life, social, academic, and vocational opportunities are enhanced and allow for a greater level of independence. Goals are based on specific language weaknesses identified during the evaluation.

Get in touch!

I am proud to empower people to express themselves and find the voice inside. Let’s get started on your journey.
Contact Jackie
(410) 295-1616
58 Jones Station Rd Arnold, MD 21012
Also Offering Telehealth
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